Want to be a guest blogger?

We are currently accepting submissions on the following topics

“Honey, I’m home”- Stories from the domesticated. Have a funny tale about  you and your committed significant other? What about your kids? Submit them to the the Krisrael staff! There is no limit on word count, please add your contact information on your post so we can get a hold of you if your entry is selected. Photos are highly encouraged.

“The 9-5” Comical shorts from the corporate office. Did someone eat your lunch and then try to replace it with theirs? What’s happening around your water cooler? Do you have a customer/ co worker/ manager that just drives you mad? Write up the antics of your office and submit them to the team for consideration. Photos are highly encouraged. Please remember to add your contact information to your submission.

Inspire Me: Stories of  everyday people and their extraordinary lives.  Know someone who makes you so proud to be their friend? Tell us why. You can also view examples in past posts with the title “Inspire Me:…” Must include your information and the information of the person you’re writing about. (We don’t post stories without the subject’s approval)

Send your entries to Kris.israel@gmail.com, we look forward to reading them.

Happy writing!

2 thoughts on “Want to be a guest blogger?

  1. Pingback: 25 Baby Animals Who Want You To Pay Attention To Them Instead of Your Work. « Krisrael's Blog

  2. Pingback: A BIG week for Krisrael « Krisrael's Blog

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